Delivering consistently great customer service

Cancellation and No-Show Policy:

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need for appointment cancellations. To accommodate such situations, we request at least 24 hours notice for any cancellations. Please note that all cancellations must be made over the phone; cancellations via email or social media will not be considered valid.

Clients who fail to honor their appointments may incur the following charges:

  • 24 Hours Notice: Service(s) will be canceled without any charge.
  • Failure to Show: The full amount for the scheduled service(s) may be charged on their next appointment.
  • Cancellation with Less Than 24 Hours Notice: Service(s) may be subject to a charge of up to the full amount.

This policy ensures the availability of time slots for other clients and maintains a higher level of service availability for everyone.

If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule your appointment.


Refusal and Zero Tolerance:

We maintain a zero-tolerance policy against any form of abuse or aggression directed towards our staff. Should such behavior occur, we reserve the right to request the individual to leave the premises immediately. This includes the potential cancellation of appointments before, during, or after services are rendered.

Our studio upholds these boundaries to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and all guests present. We take pride in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

180 Degrees Hair Studio in Kelowna

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